Thursday, July 25, 2024

Where Should I Put My 401k Money After Retirement

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You Will Be Taxed On 401 Distributions

Should I Put My Full 15% Towards Retirement Into My Company Match?

Traditional 401 contributions are often made on a pretax basis, which means they lower your taxable income during your working years.

Because the money wasnât taxed when you contributed it, when you begin taking distributions from your 401, youâll have to pay tax because the IRS treats this money as ordinary income. That means you wonât get to keep everything youâve saved. And if you withdraw too much in a given year, you could push yourself into a higher tax bracket â meaning the government will take a larger portion of your savings.

While you will owe income tax on money that you withdraw from a traditional 401, you will not owe tax on money that you have saved in a Roth 401. If your savings is in a traditional account, itâs possible to do a Roth conversion, where you will owe income tax on the amount you convert in the year that you convert it. With a Roth IRA, you can enjoy tax-free distributions in retirement.

So how does a 401 work in retirement? While it can be rolled to an IRA, ultimately itâs up to you and how you want to use your lifetime of savings to generate the income you need to fund the things youâve been dreaming about for your retirement. An experienced financial advisor who understands the ins and outs of retirement income and tax planning can help.

Are you on track for retirement?

See how much monthly retirement income you may have based on what youâre saving now.

Should You Stop Putting Money Into Your 401

Should I stop putting money into my 401?

My doctor looked more worried than Id ever seen him.

As I sat in his exam room last week, I could tell hed been watching his portfolio closely. The plunging markets were making him question his long-term investing plan.

It was a shock to me because my doctor is always long-term minded when he talks about health.

But right now, his mind is 100% focused on the short term.

And thats a dangerous mindset during a bear market

The 4% Withdrawal Rule

The 4% rule says that you can withdraw 4% of your savings in the first year, and calculate subsequent yearâs withdrawals on the rate of inflation. This rule is based on the idea that you should withdraw 4% annually, and maintain the financial security in retirement for 30 years. This strategy is preferred because it is simple to compute, and gives retirees a predictable amount of income every year.

For example, if you have $1 million in retirement savings, 4% equals $40,000 in the first year. If the inflation rises by 2.5% in the second year, you should take out an additional 2.5% of the first yearâs withdrawal i.e. $1000. Therefore, the withdrawal for the second year will be $41,000.

Recommended Reading: How To Get 401k From Old Job

Question: What’s The Next Best Place To Put Retirement Savings After Maxing Out My 401

Answer: First of all, nice work prioritizing your 401. You’re making the most of one of the best wealth-building tools available, especially if your employer matches your contributions.

But step back for a moment and look at how much you’re paying in fees. 401s are expensive for companies to maintain and some of that cost trickles down to the investor. “Maxing out” a 401 has become a sort of gospel in personal finance, but throwing every last dollar at yours might not be the most cost-effective strategy.

You can’t avoid fees charged by the investment funds themselves, but if your 401 administrator charges more than 2% just to “manage” your account, you might want to direct some savings elsewhere .

Enter: IRAs. IRAs are tax-advantaged accounts operated by banks and brokerages, rather than your employer, and come in two forms traditional and Roth. The main difference between the two is tax treatment.

Here’s a quick rundown of the popular retirement accounts:

Are there restrictions on who can contribute? No amount you can deduct varies based on income, marital status, and whether you or your spouse have a work retirement plan Yes to contribute the full amount in 2021, you must earn < $125,000 if single and < $198,000 if married. Earning above those limits will reduce the amount you can contribute No Your employer may have requirements before you’re eligible to contribute or qualify for a match

*Combined annual contribution to a Roth IRA and traditional IRA.

Leave Your Retirement Savings Alone

How much should I put into my 401k plan?  Simple Life and Money

After age 59½ you can begin to make penalty-free withdrawals from your traditional retirement plans and IRAs. With a Roth IRA, you can withdraw your contributionsbut not any earnings on thempenalty-free, at any age.

There is also an IRS exception, commonly known as the Rule of 55, that waives the early-withdrawal penalty on retirement plan distributions for workers 55 and over who lose or leave their jobs. It’s complex, so speak with a financial or tax advisor if you are considering using it.

But just because you can make withdrawals doesnt mean you shouldunless you absolutely need the cash. The longer you leave your retirement accounts untouched from some of them), the better off you are likely to be.

Recommended Reading: How Much Do You Get From 401k

You May Be Auto Enrolled In A 401

More than half of companies are automatically signing up their employees for 401 accounts, according to research by the Plan Sponsor Council of America. Workers can choose to opt out if they insist. Plus, if you stay in but dont take action on your own to adjust your deductions these auto-enrollment plans usually also increase your contribution. This is called auto escalation.

Auto escalation increases the default contribution rate over time, such as by 1% per year, until the employee is contributing a certain amount, typically 10% of their salary annually.

But beware: Employees who rely solely on the default rates may not end up with a sufficient nest egg, as most experts recommend saving a minimum of 12% and up to 15% of your pay a year.

Taxes Owed On A Traditional 401

If you have a 401, your contributions are funded with pre-tax dollars and are not taxed. However, in the future, you will pay ordinary income taxes on a 401 withdrawal once you start taking the money out.

Such an example underlines the importance of paying close attention to when and how you withdraw money from your 401.

Don’t Miss: How To Move Your 401k To A Roth Ira

Caveats To The 4% Rule

Several variables can make this rule of thumb either too conservative or too risky, and you might not be able to live on 4%-ish a year unless your account has a significantly large balance.

The first caveat you should consider when thinking about applying the 4% rule to your personal situation is that it calls for putting 50% each in stocks and bonds. You may not be comfortable putting that much of your retirement assets in equities, and you may want to keep at least a portion of your nest egg in cash or a money market fund.

You also might not expect to live for 30 years after retirement, either because you retired later than most people do or for some health-related reason. And you may not feel you need the almost 100% confidence level Bengen was seeking in his rule a confidence level of 75% to 90% that you won’t run out of money might be acceptable to you and may afford a more flexible withdrawal rate.

Risks And Withdrawal Strategies

Is A 401(k) Really A Good Retirement Plan?

As you approach retirement, youll likely need to shift your focus. Where once the primary goal was saving and investing for retirement, it now becomes turning those savings and investments into income. It also means paying special attention to the unique risks youll face as a retiree. This can include outliving your savings, inflation outpacing your investments, and the volatility of the market.

There are ways to mitigate these risks by building certainty into your plan. Learn more about using annuities and other guaranteed sources of income. Read more about retirement risks.

Read Also: Why Is It Called 401k

Should I Move Into Cash

Only if you need the money immediately or want to lock in losses, experts say. Acknowledging that it might be tempting to move into cash as a defensive measure, Richardson points out that cash’s purchasing power erodes during periods of high inflation.

The Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes are providing better returns to savings accounts and certificates of deposit , but they still trail far behind the rate of inflation. For instance, a one-year CD now offers a monthly yield of about 1.5%, up from about 0.7% in March, according to Ken Tumin of But in May, inflation jumped to 8.6%, which means that cash invested in a CD would see its buying power eroded by about 7%.

That might stillseem more appetizing than the steep investment losses incurred during a bear market, but you won’t have the chance to make up those losses as you would in the market during periods when stocks rise. Limiting your exposure to cash during high inflation periods is a good idea, Richardson noted.

“While it may not seem like it when the markets are falling, stocks have traditionally outpaced inflation over time,” she said.

Where Should You Keep Your Money After Retirement

Retirement is supposed to be restful, isn’t it? But these days, the very idea of retiring is causing a lot of headaches. Many people are holding off on retirement much longer than they originally planned, since the turbulent stock market has meant their savings have taken a hit. So once they do actually get to the point where they’re financially secure enough to retire, retirees want to make sure that security sticks around.

If you’re in the same boat, you’re probably wondering what your options are. Sure, it’s tempting to just stick your money under the mattress where it’s safe and sound. Given the economic problems we’ve had in the last few years, who could blame you? The trouble is, squirreling cash away isn’t actually that safe. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, most home insurers only cover a small amount of cash in the event of, say, a house fire . Hopefully your retirement savings add up to more than that, so you’ll need to find some place a lot less vulnerable to store your funds. The second reason it’s not a good idea is that your money doesn’t grow. During the span of your retirement, the overall economy will experience inflation, meaning that any money you’ve put in a shoe box won’t be worth as much a few years down the road. This is why it’s important to choose your egg’s nest wisely a competitive interest rate can help counteract any loss of value your original savings experience .

Recommended Reading: How To Find Old 401k Money

Don’t Try To Time The Market

There’s a reason why you may have heard this many times: Investment professionals show that timing the market or trying to guess when stocks are at their top or bottom is nearly impossible. Research has shown that people who dump stocks during a market downturn are likely to miss the days when the market rises sharply, and that can make a dent in long-term returns.

For instance, one study published by the investment organization CAIA found that a buy-and-hold investor would have an annual return of almost 10% from 1961 to 2015. But an investor who tried to time the market and missed the 25 best days during that period would have an annual return of less than 6%.

To be sure, if an investor managed to avoid the worst 25 days during that period, their annualized return would have been more than 15%. But predicting both the worst and best days of the market is notoriously difficult, which is why investment pros recommend sticking with the “buy and hold” strategy.

These Accounts Can Be A Great Way To Save For Retirement While Giving You A Tax Break Now But Beware Of The Fees Plan Providers Charge For 401s

How much should I put into my 401k plan?  Simple Life and Money

When you start a job at a mid-sized or larger private employer, chances are you will be offered a 401 account as a way to save for retirement. These tax-advantaged plans allow you to put money aside through payroll deductions. Since its inception 40 years ago, the 401 has become the retirement plan of choice for most employers, largely replacing traditional pension plans.

To encourage employees across the company to get started saving money, many companies offer match programs: basically, if you save some money in your 401, your employers will give you additional money to put in that account.

Read on for 10 things you need to know about these powerfulretirement plans.

Also Check: Can I Have A Personal 401k

When Not To Transfer To An Ira

You now know some of the benefits of moving your 401 to an IRA. But control over your money isnt the only thing that matters, and you may have other priorities. Its impossible to list every potential pitfall, but here are just a few examples of when I suggest that clients might want to leave funds with their employer.

Between age 55 and 59.5

When youre at least 55 years oldbut not yet 59 1/2 years oldyou might want to leave at least some of your money in the 401 plan. 401s allow you to pull money out without penalty after age 55 . IRAs, on the other hand, require that you wait until age 59 ½ to avoid an early-withdrawal penalty of 10% on certain distributions. There are always exceptions and workarounds, but those are the basic rules. If you intend to spend your 401 savings between the ages of 55 and 59 1/2, keep this in mind before making a transfer.

Some Government Workers

If you worked for a federal, state, or local government, be sure to explore your options. Those with 457 plans can potentially avoid the early-withdrawal penalty thats commonly associated with 401 and similar plans. Plus, some public safety workers can avoid early withdrawal penalties from a retirement planincluding the TSPas early as age 50.

Roth Conversions

RMD While Working

Stable Value Offerings

Fees and Expenses

NUA Opportunities

Compare And Contrast Your 401 To An Ira

Your 401 was probably set up through your employer, and it may have gotten employer-sponsored contributions. Plans can sometimes have limited payout options, high administrative costs, or subpar investment choices, however if youve got one of those, you may want to move your funds into an individual retirement account . An IRA is a tax-deferred retirement savings account you can set up and manage on your own. You can establish an IRA with a bank, brokerage, or investment firm and use the account to capitalize on stocks, bonds, and other investment options.

Don’t Miss: How To Find Out If I Have Any 401k

Keep Your Money Where It Is

Keep your savings invested in your former employer’s retirement plan.

  • Your savings stay invested, with the same tax advantages
  • You continue with the plan’s investment options
  • You can’t make additional contributions
  • Your past employer may decide to make changes to the plan that impact your account
  • Loans aren’t allowed, but you may be able to withdraw money before you retire under certain circumstances

How Long Do You Want To Plan For

How To Invest My 401(k) After Retirement

Obviously you don’t know exactly how long you’ll live, and it’s not a question that many people want to ponder too deeply. But to get a general idea, you should carefully consider your health and life expectancy, using data from the Social Security Administration and your family history. Also consider your tolerance for managing the risk of outliving your assets, access to other resources if you draw down your portfolio , and other factors. This online calculator can help you determine your planning horizon.

Don’t Miss: How Much Money Should I Put In My 401k

Other Important Financial Goals To Consider

You should keep a few other things in mind as you decide how much to contribute to your 401 based on your own unique financial situation.

  • Do you have a formal estate plan with a will and other critical papers ?
  • Can you cover health care expenses? Make sure you’re putting enough into your health savings account , both now and in the future, to cover medical expenses if you have a high-deductible health plan with an HSA combo.
  • Do you have proper disability insurance coverage to protect you and your family if you miss work for six months or more due to illness or injury?
  • Do you have long-term care plans in place if you’re nearing retirement?

How To Invest Your Money After Retirement

As you prepare your retirement savings portfolio, the first thing you should do is set aside money for emergency purposes . The emergency fund gives you a cushion in the event of illness, natural disaster or any other unforeseen expense, and it provides a backup in the event of another economic crisis. Just make sure you can easily access your emergency money if the need ever arises. Once you’ve got that taken care of, you can explore relevant investment opportunities.

Retirement is not the time to put most of your money into high-risk investments. You want to ensure that you have a secure financial base to last the remainder of your life, which could realistically be several decades. Whatever money you put into a high-risk investment could be lost, so you need to balance things out with low-risk financial opportunities .

Treasury bonds are one of the safer options. They have a fixed rate of interest, which means you’re guaranteed at least that much growth over the life of the bond it won’t earn you as much money as a good stock market gamble, but it will certainly earn more than a bad one. CDs are also a possibility, although you’ll usually be penalized if you need to withdraw money early. If you have an IRA , you can keep our funds there and withdraw without penalty once you reach age 59 1/2 .

Check out the next page for more money management and investment information.

Don’t Miss: How Do I Take Money Out Of My Fidelity 401k

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